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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation limited (BMRCL) recruits Maintainer/Train Operator

Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation limited (BMRCL) invites online application for the recruitment of Maintainer/Train Operator for Matriculation/Diploma/ITI holders.

Company name : Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation limited (BMRCL)
Posts : Maintainer/Train Operator
Qualification : Matriculation/Diploma/ITI
Salary : Rs.10170 -26950/- P.M.
No of Post : 480
Location : Bangalore
Last date to apply : 13.10.2014

Details of Post :

Maintainer/Train Operator

Aplications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for the folowing posts (Total 480 Posts) in the Operation & Maintenance Wing of BMRCL. While the details are available on the BMRCL website, folowing may be noted:

Last date for submision of aplications on-line is 13.10.2014 upto 6.00 PM

Name of the Post : MAINTAINER

No of Post : 350
    Qualification : Matriculation plus two years ITI in any one of the folowing specifc Enginering Trade: Electrician / Instrument Mechanic / Mechanic Radio and TV / Electronics Mechanics / Wireman / Fiter / Mechanic Computer Hardware / Mechanic -Industrial Electronics / Information Technology & Electronics  System Maintenance / Mech. Communication Equipment
    Maintenance, Masonry, Carpentry, Building. Refrigeration and AC Mechanics Mechanic Mechatronics or equivalent qualifcation
    Age : GM – 35 yrs SC / ST and Cat 1 – 40 yrs. Ia, Ib, Ia and I b -38 yrs. Ex-Ser -50 yrs (max)
 Remuneration :10170-18500
Name of the Post : TRAIN OPERATOR
    No of Post : 130
    Qualification : Matriculation plus thre years Diploma in Electrical Enginering / Electrical & Electronics Enginering / Telecommunications / Electronics & Communication Enginering / Electrical power Systems / Industrial Electronics / Mechanical Enginering or equivalent qualifcation .
    Age : GM – 35 yrs SC / ST and Cat 1 – 40 yrs. Ia, Ib, Ia and I b -38 yrs. Ex-Ser -50 yrs (max)
    Remuneration : 14000-26950/-


    INSTRUCTIONS : Log on to On the main scren of BMRCL website, click on “Carers”. A scren apears. Click on “Online Aplication Form”. A scren apears. Please fil up al the details in the aplication form corectly. Please se “B” Instructions for filing up the aplication form” of Anexure- 1 to this notifcation, for detailed instructions to fil up the online aplication form. No modifications posible once saved
    1. Once you furnish details and pres the “Submit” buton and receive the mesage “Saved”, you wil not be able to modify anything thereafter,
    Application Number Once you enter al the details and finaly get the mesage “saved”, the system wil generate “Application Number”. Immediately note the aplication number on a paper and kep it safely with you, so that even if the system closes for any reason like power failure etc., you can recoup the aplication by mentioning the aplication number. However, this wil not be posible without aplication number. Aplication number is compulsorily required in al communications. No communication shal be entertained without the corect aplication number. (However, as a further facilty, immediately on generation of aplication number, the same gets sent to your Email ID provided by you while aplying. Hence, you can se your aplication number in your Email ID also.)
    Fields with (*) mark are mandatory. Unles mandatory fields are filed properly, the aplication wil not be acepted by the system and consequently aplication number wil not be generated.
    Rejection of the application by the system Please note that the system wil acept the aplication resulting in generation of aplication number only if you fulfil al the criteria fixed for the post including age and qualifcation. If you do not fulfil the prescribed criteria as on the last date for filng the aplication, you wil get the mesage “APPLICATION REJECTED for non fulfilment of criteria fixed for the post”. No corespondence wil be entertained in respect of aplications so rejected by the system.

    Esential Educational Qualification The posesion of esential educational qualifcation prescribed is a must. The candidate should have scored a minimum of 50% marks, in the esential educational qualifcation prescribed. The said 50% should be computed by averaging marks of al the years in the entire course like Diploma / ITI as the case may be i.e. total marks obtained in al years divided by maximum marks of al examinations. In case, instead of marks, Grades have ben given, the midle figure of the range that the Grade covers should be taken as marks obtained. Eg: If Grade ‘A’ range is 80 – 10, midle figure : 90 should be taken as marks obtained for each subject and total percentage computed as per above prescribed procedure. The Diploma should be from an Instiute/organisation recognised by AICTE. The ITI Certifcate should be recognised by NCVT / SCVT. In case of Ex-Servicemen candidates, the equivalent certifcate should be isued by the Armed Forces. Candidates posesing qualifcation equivalent to the relevant Enginering Diploma may aply subject to the conditon that they should produce documentary prof obtained from competent authorites / Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of Karnataka in respect of Enginering Diploma certifying the said equivalence. Such document neds to be produced at the time of verifcation. If such document is not produced at the time of verifcation the candidate shal be disqualifed irespective of his / her positon in the merit list prepared on the basis of the writen test. No subsequent representation wil be entertained.

    Original Certificates Please note that you are required to poses the folowing documents on the date of filng the aplication, in suport of various entries made by you in the aplication:  a. SSLC/10th Standard/ Matriculation certifcate showing your name, father’s/mother’s name, last name if any, and the Date of Birth. b. Certifcate and marks cards for educational qualifcations mentioned in the aplication by you. c. If you belong to reserved categories i.e. SC / ST / Cat I, Cat Ia, Ib, Ia, Ib as mentioned by you in the aplication, Certifcate from the competent authority certifying the same. Please se para No. 1.08 of General Instructions for further details. d. If you belong to Ex-servicemen category, Certifcate of Discharge isued by the Competent Authority in Army / Navy / Airforce indicating date of joining, date of discharge and rank held, along with other details (please se para 1.08 of General Instructions). e. Character Certifcate obtained from Educational Instiution / Gazeted Oficer on or after date of Employment Notifcation. Al the above documents (as aplicable) shal have to be produced in original along with one set of photo copies for verifcation by the short listed candidates.

    Payment of application fe through chalan and entering the journal number After you “submit” the aplication and note down the aplication number generated, click on “Print acknowledgement and Bank Chalan” to get the Bank Chalan for payment of examination fe. Take a print out of the chalan and pay the money at he nearest SBI branch. Al SBI branches shal start acepting the chalan from 12.9.2014. The Bank wil return one copy afixing their “PAID” seal. The Bank wil also mention the Bank “journal number” on the chalan in the slot meant herefor. If this number is not mentioned, please insist that this should be mentioned by the bank. You ned to again visit BMRCL website, click on “Carers”. A scren apears. Click on “Enter Bank Journal Number”, a scren wil apear. Enter your aplication number in the field (1) and date of birth in field (2) and then pres “OK”. Your name wil apear. Then enter the journal number given by the Bank in field (5). Then click on “Submit” buton. Please note that unles you enter the corect journal number, the aplication wil not be considered as complete and hence wil not be acepted by BMRCL.

    Aceptance of application by BMRCL To check your aplication status, you ned to visit BMRCL website, click on “Carers”. A scren apears. Click on “Check Aplication Status”. A scren wil apear. Enter your aplication number in the field (1) and date of birth in field (2) and then pres “OK” . Your name wil apear and the status of the aplication wil apear. The words “APPLICATION ACCEPTED” signify aceptance of aplication by BMRCL. If you do not se this mesage within 15 days of entry of Bank journal number, send a scaned copy of the Bank Chalan to Helpdesk contact No.080 296920 /296940 for necesary clarifcation. Last date for seking clarifcation regarding rejection of aplication is 18.10.2014. No such requests wil be entertained after this date.
    Contact For any clarifcation regarding filing up the aplication, you may contact our Help Desk at No. 080 296920 / 296940 or email Please note that the Help Desk is not concerned with the recruitment and wil be able to clarify only on maters relating to filing up the aplication form.

    Hal Ticket – verification of photograph on the Hal ticket in the Examination hal The Writen Test wil be held on Sunday, the 23rd November 2014 The Hal ticket should be downloaded from 15th November 2014 onwards. For this purpose, please go to BMRCL website and click on “Carer”. A scren apears. Click on “DOWNLOAD HAL TICKET”. A scren wil apear. Enter your aplication number in field (1) and date of birth in field (2). And then click “Print Hal Ticket”. The hal ticket wil apear on the scren in duplicate. The Hal Ticket wil contain your name, date of birth, post aplied for, date of examination and examination centre. When you go to the examination centre at the apointed time, you ned to cary both copies of the Hal ticket.

    You ned to sign on both the copies of the Hal ticket in the space provided, in front of the invigilator and the invigilator shal also sign on both the copies. You shal give one copy to the invigilator and retain the other copy for your record. If the Hal Ticket is not produced then you wil not be alowed to take the writen test.
Important dates to remember :

Last date to apply : 13.10.2014

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