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Thursday, November 13, 2014

L&T Infotech Placement Papers - Interview Questions 2015

Placement Papers of L&T Infotech 2015. Learn and practice the placement papers and interview questions answers of L&T Infotech and find out how much you score before you appear for your next interview and written test.

L&T Infotech Placement Papers - Interview Questions:

1. There are 6 boys Amit, Banhid, Dhruv, Chand, Harsh and Gaurav. They want to go out with 6 girls - Nidhi, Parul, Kruti, Naseem, Sujata and Radhika, not necessarily in the same order.
    The pairs want to visit movie, beach, park and play; and two of them want to go to circus. They like different eatables; pavbhaji, chaat, bhel and pani-puri. Pavbhaji and chaat are
    each preferred by two pairs. Following information is given: -             Amit and Chand visit circus, but don't like pav-bhaji or pani-puri.
    -  Gaurav can't go with Sujata and Parul, as both of them don't like chaat, but Gaurav does.
    -   Naseem and Kruti want to go to movie and park respectively.
    -   Dhruv goes with Radhika to beach, but does not chaat or pani-puri.
    -   Banhid goes to a movie and eats pav-bhaji. Radhika does not like bhel.
    -   Harsh cannot go with Nidhi or Parul and he does not go to a park.
    In the passage, the word ”˜fossil’ can be interpreted as art movement that has ceased to remain interesting or useful analogy from the physical world to indicate a historic art movement. analogy from the physical world to indicate the barrenness of artistic creations in the past. embedded codification of pre-historic life. analogy from the physical world to indicate the passing of an era associated with an art movement.

    Answer: E

2. In the passage, which of the following similarities between science and art may lead to erroneous conclusions?

    A.Both, in general, include a gamut of distinct but interconnecting activities.
    B.Both have movements not necessarily concerned with innovation.
    C.Both depend on collaborations between talented individuals.
    D.Both involve abstract thought and dissemination of ideas
    E.Both reflect complex priorities of the modern world.

    Answer: A

3. The passage given below is followed by a set of two questions. Choose the most appropriate answer to each question.  
    A remarkable aspect of art of the present century is the range of concepts and ideologies which it embodies. It is almost tempting to see a pattern emerging within the art field —
    or alternatively imposed upon it a posteriori — similar to that which exists under the umbrella of science where the general term covers a whole range of separate, though interconnecting, activities.
    Any parallelism is however — in this instance at least — misleading. A scientific discipline develops systematically once its bare tenets have been established, named and categorized as conventions.
    Many of the concepts of modern art, by contrast, have resulted from the almost accidental meetings of groups of talented individuals at certain times and certain places. The ideas generated by these
    chance meetings had two — fold consequences. Firstly, a corpus of work would be produced which, in great part, remains as a concrete record of the events. Secondly, the ideas would themselves be
    disseminated through many different channels of communication — seeds that often bore fruit in contexts far removed from their generation. Not all movements were exclusively concerned with innovation.
    Surrealism, for instance, claimed to embody a kind of insight which can be present in the art of any period. This claim has been generally accepted so that a sixteenth century painting by Spranger
    or a mysterious photograph by Atget can legitimately be discussed in surrealist terms. Briefly, then, the concepts of modern art are of many different (often fundamentally different) kinds and resulted
    from the exposures of painters, sculptors and thinkers to the more complex phenomena of the twentieth century, including our ever increasing knowledge of the thought and products of earlier centuries.
    Different groups of artists would collaborate in trying to make sense of rapidly changing world of visual and spiritual experience. We should hardly be surprised if no one group succeeded completely,
    but achievements, through relative, have been considerable. Landmarks have been established — concrete statements of position which give a pattern to a situation which could easily have degenerated
    into total chaos. Beyond this, new language tools have been created for those who follow — semantic systems which can provide a springboard for further explorations.
    The codifying of art is often criticized. Certainly one can understand that artists are wary of being pigeon- holed since they are apt to think of themselves as individuals — sometimes with good reason.
    The notion of self-expression, however, no longer carries quite the weight it once did; objectivity has its defenders. There is good reason to accept the ideas codified by artists and critics,
    over the past sixty years or so, as having attained the status of independent existence — an independence which is not without its own value. This time factor is important here. As an art movement slips
    into temporal perspective, it ceases to be a living organism — becoming, rather, a fossil. This is not to say it becomes useless or uninteresting. Just as a scientist can reconstruct the life of a prehistoric
    environment from the messages codified into the structure of a fossil, so can an artist decipher whole webs of intellectual and creative possibility from the recorded structure of a ”˜dead’ art movement.
    The artist can match the creative patterns crystallized into this structure against the potentials and possibilities of his own time. AS T.S Eliot observed, no one starts anything from scratch;
    however consciously you may try to live in the present, you are still involved with a nexus of behaviour patterns bequeathed from the past. The original and creative person is not someone who ignores these patterns,
    but someone who is able to translate and develop them so that they confirm more exactly to his — and our — present needs.
    Many of the concepts of modern art have been the product of

    A.ideas generated from planned deliberations between artists, painters and thinkers
    B.the dissemination of ideas through the state and its organizations.
    C.accidental interactions among people blessed with creative muse.
    D.patronage by the rich and powerful that supported art

    Answer: C

4. The range of concepts and ideologies embodied in the art of the twentieth century is explained by

    A.landmarks which give a pattern to the art history of the twentieth century. language tools which can be used for further explorations into new areas.
    C.the fast changing world of perceptual and transcendental understandings
    D.the quick exchange of ideas and concepts enabled by efficient technology

    Answer: C

5. The passage uses an observation by T.S. Eliot to imply that

    A.we always carry forward the legacy of the past.
    B.past behaviours and thought processes recreate themselves in the present and get labeled as 'original'or'creative'.
    C.'originality' can only thrive in a 'green house' insulated from the past biases.
    D.'innovations' and 'original thinking' interpret and develop on past thoughts to suit contemporary needs.

    Answer: D

6. Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrases printed in bold in the following sentences to make the sentence grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark (E) as the answer. Her face buries itself on his rough shirt and he could feel the fragrance of her hair and the warmth of her as she sobbed against his breast—

    A.Sinking itself in his rough shirt
    B.buried itself in his rough shirt
    C.dipped itself in his rough shirt
    D.sank itself in his rough shirt

    Answer: B

7. ”˜Allah’, he said, rising his face towards the star-spangled black sky, “punish me as much as you like-Mahesh died with thirst on his lips.”

    A.raised his face towards the star-spangled black sky
    B.had raised his face towards the star-spangled black sky
    C.rose his face towards the star spangled black sky
    D.raising his face towards the star-spangled black sky

    Answer: D

8. All of us carried plenty of food and sweets with us and we served the little fortunate human beings with our own hands—

    A.The lesser fortunate human beings
    B.The less fortunate human beings
    C.The least fortunate human beings
    D.The unfortunate human beings

    Answer: B

9. Once again, the Indian tradition of ”ahimsa’ comes out as infinitely most relevant, than much of what we learn in modern education.

    A.The most relevant, than much of what we learn
    B.More relevance what we learn
    C.More relevant than much of what we learn
    D.No relevance in what we learn

    Answer: C

10. When it was decided to send the rescue team in the colliery, the experts showed their reluctance.

    A.into the colliery        B.inside the colliery    C.under the colliery    D.underneath the colliery

    Answer: A

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11. In each of the following questions, there is a certain relationship between two given words on one side of : : and one word is given on another side of : :while another word is to be found from the given alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the words of the given pair bear. Choose the correct alternative.
    Appraiser : Building : : Critic : ?

    A.Book        B.Masterpiece        C.Judge        D.Gold

    Answer: A

12. Tile : Mosaic : : Knot : ?

    A.Embroidery    B.Abacus        C.Macrame    D.Easle

    Answer: C

13. Bread : Yeast : : Curd : ?

    A.Fungi        B.Bacteria    C.Germs        D.Virus

    Answer: B

14. Command : Order : : Confusion : ?

    A.Discipline    B.Clarity        C.Choas        D.Problem

    Answer: C

15. Ruby : Red : : Sapphire : ?

    A.Blue        B.White        C.Green        D.Silver

    Answer: A

16. Pick out from the words, given below each sentence, the word which would complete the sentence correctly and meaningfully
     Usually the ascent of a mountain face is much easier than the...................

    A.fall        B.decent        C.descent    D.descend

    Answer: C

17. More than twenty years have now passed....................I had my first flight.

    A.when        B.since        C.while

    Answer: B

18. The river overflowed its................... and flooded the area
    A.Edges        B.Fronts        C.Limits        D.Banks

    Answer: D

19. Once you suspect a person of double dealing, you ought to keep him at arm's.

    A.distance    B.length        C.aim        D.width

    Answer: B

20. While strolling on Janpath, I chanced to meet..............European.        B.the        D.a

    Answer: D

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21. Each of the following sentences has been divided into four parts. There is an error in one of the parts. Point out the part which has an error
A) he has broken his pen, / B) and his paper is not yet complete, / C) but you can help him / D) if you give him your for an hour./E) no error.

    A.A        B.B        C.C        D.D        E.E

    Answer: D

22. A) This book is quite different /B) than the one I gave you, / C) because it is an old edition / D) and does not cover the whole course./E) no error.

    A.A        B.B        C.C        D.D        E.E

    Answer: B

23. A) He could come / B) if you invite him / C) well in time / D) in writing./E) no error.

    A.A        B.B        C.C        D.D        E.E

    Answer: B

24. A) Had, the doctor reached an hour earlier / B) and gave him proper medicine, / C) his life would have been saved / D) without any doubt./ E ) no error

    A.A        B.B        C.C        D.D        E.E

    Answer: B

25. A) He ought have tried his best / B) from the very beginning / C) because the goal he set before him / D) was not an ordinary one./ E) no error.
    A.A        B.B        C.C        D.D        E.E

    Answer: D

26. In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one which is nearest in meaning to the given word.

    A.Blunder        B.Nisadventure        C.Ambiguity        D.Misgiving

    Answer: A


    A.Dirty        B.Pungent        C.Unripe            D.Bitter

    Answer: D


    A.Servile        B.Trashy            C.Ferocious        D.Juicy

    Answer: B


    A.Attempt    B.Convince        C.Pester            D.Persuade

    Answer: C


    A.Genuinely    B.Carefully        C.Secretly        D.Somewhat.

    Answer: B

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