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Virtusa Placement Papers - Interview Questions 2015

Placement Papers of Virtusa 2015. Learn and practice the placement papers and interview questions answers of Virtusa and find out how much you score before you appear for your next interview and written test.

Virtusa Placement Papers - Interview Questions:

1.Read the comprehension and answer the questions that follow: Soft bodied animals like caterpillars often fall a prey to voracious hunters like birds or reptiles. Despite having no means to 'actively' defend themselves,with weapons like claws or jaws, they have nevertheless, evolved other equally effective deterrents. A particular species of the caterpillar lives at an altitude over 2.500 metres in the Himalayas.
  It uses prominent colour to inform would be predators of its in edibility. In the event that an inexperienced or adventurous bird did eat the caterpillar, it would probably vomit it soon after,and subsequently desist from attacking similar species in future. Though this would do the unfortunate victim no good, the species benefits. A rare example of the martyr among animals.The expression "others equally effective deterrents" mean

   A.preventive weapons which have equal effect of others                                  B.mechanism which scares everyone equally well                                             C.preventive equipment which it is as effective as something that has been already mentioned in the passage                                                                     D.deterrents that are as powerful as those the caterpillars have

    Answer: B

2. Caterpillars cannot defend themselves because

    A.are passive animals        B.are lazy    C.cannot acquire weapons        D.have no claws or jaws

    Answer: A

3. The Himalayan caterpillar uses prominent colours to

    A.warn the predator        B.attack the predator    C.reveal itself        D.defend itself

    Answer: A

4. Experienced birds do not attack the Himalayan caterpillars because they are

    A.repulsive        B.very aggressive        C.inedible        D.diseased

    Answer: C

5. Read the comprehension and answer the questions that follow:
    It is to progress in the human sciences that we must look to undo the evils which have resulted from a knowledge of physical world hastily and superficially acquired by population unconscious of the changes in themselves that the new knowledge has imperative. The road to a happier world than any known in the past lies open before us if atavistic destructive passions can be kept in leash while the necessary adaptations are made. Fears are inevitable in time, but hopes are equally rational and far more likely to bear good fruit. We must learn to think rather less of the dangers to be avoided than of the good that will lie within our grasp if we can believe in it and let it dominate our thoughts. Science, whatever unpleasant consequences it may have by the way, is in its very nature a liberator, a liberator of bondage to physical nature and in time to come, a liberator from the weight of destructive passions. We are on the threshold of utter disaster or unprecedentely glorious achievement. No previous age has been fraught with problems so momentous; and it is to science that we must look to for a happy future. What does science liberate s from? It is liberate us from

    A.fears and destructive passions    B.slavery to physical nature and from passions        C.bondage to physical nature    D.idealistic hopes of glorious future

    Answer: B

6. To carve out a bright future man should

    A.analyse dangers that lie ahead    B.try to avoid dangers        C.overcome fear and dangers    D.cultivate a positive outlook

    Answer: D

7. Fears and hopes according to the author

    A.are closely linked with the life of modern man        B.can bear fruit        C.can yield good results    D.are irrational

    Answer: A

8. In the context of this passage, a martyr is one who dies

    A.without putting up resistance    B.without any gain to oneself    C.while defending ones homeland save others

    Answer: D

9. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word. If she ___________ about his financial situation, she would have helped him out.

    A.knew        B.had been knowing        C.had known        D.have known

    Answer: C

10. The sun ______ at 9 last night.

    A.sat        B.setted        C.set        D.was setting

    Answer: C

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11. By the time she arrives, we ________________ our homework.

    A.finish        B.will have finished    C.will finish        D.were finished

    Answer: B

12. He made his children ______ their homework every afternoon. do        C.studied study

    Answer: B

13. I'll ______________ their cat while they are away on holiday. looking into looking at looking after looking over

    Answer: C

14. We ____________ tennis every day when we were young.

    A.use to play        B.would play        C.were playing        D.were used to play

    Answer: B

15. She _________________ lunch by the time we arrived.

    A.had finished        B.finished        C.have finished        D.finishing

    Answer: A

16. That room _______________ for a meeting today. used   being used        C.used   using

    Answer: B

17. Despite ______________ hard, he failed the exam.

    A.he studied        B.he has studied        C.studying

    Answer: C

18. When I stopped __________ to Mary, she was picking some flowers in her garden.

    A.speaking        B.speak   speak        D.spoke

    Answer: C

19. If man's bestial yearning is controlled

    A.If man's bestial yearning is controlled    B.the future will be brighter than the present    C.the present will be brighter than the future    D.the present will become tolerable

    Answer: B

20. Select the alternative that logically follows the two given statements.
      a. All hamburgers are meals.
      b. Some cows are hamburgers .

    A.All meals are cows    B.At least some meals are cows    C.No cows are meals    D.Some cows are no meals

    Answer: B

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21. a. All cities have houses .
     b. All countries have cities .

    A.All houses have countries        B.All countries have houses        C.Not all houses have countries    D.No valid conclusion possible

    Answer: B

22. a. All kitchens have cabinets.
     b. All cabinets have shelves .

    A.At least some kitchens have shelves        B.All shelves have kitchens        C.All kitchens have shelves        D.No valid conclusion possible

    Answer: C

23. a. All dogs are brown.
     b. All Bull Dogs are brown

    A.At least some dogs are Bull Dogs        B.Some dogs are Bull Dogs        C.All Bull Dogs are dogs        D.No valid conclusion possible

    Answer: D

24. a. No horses are molluscs.
     b. All crabs are horses.

    A.No crabs are mollusc's        B.Some horses are no crabs        C.No mollusc's are horses        D.No valid conclusion possible

    Answer: D

25. Which of the following most closely resembles the reasoning given in this argument? Every successful mechanic uses cast-iron wrenches.
     Some mechanics use wrenches made of something besides cast iron. So some mechanics are not successful.

    A.All valid syllogisms are incapable of surprising you. Some syllogisms are not at all able to surprise you. So some syllogisms are not valid.
    B.Everything worth doing is worth doing right. Everything boring is not worth doing right. So boring things are not worth doing.
    C.Every good bicycle has hand brakes. Some messengers' bikes are not good bicycles. So some messengers' bikes don't have hand brakes.
    D.A tape recorder is a sophisticated piece of equipment. Some home appliances are unsophisticated pieces of equipment. Therefore, some home appliances are not tape recorders

    Answer: D

26. Read the following information given below and answer the questions that follow: For getting selected as a Marketing Manager in a company, the candidate must: I. Be a graduate with at least 50% marks. II. Have secured at least 40% marks in the Written Test.
     III. Not be less than 24 years and more then 29 years as on October 10, 1997. IV. Should have work experience of at least two years as an officer. 

However, if a candidate: V. Fulfills all other criteria except at (IV) above but has a diploma in Marketing Management, his/her case is to be referred to the General Manager, Marketing.
     VI. Fulfills all other criteria except at (III) above but has worked as Marketing Officer at least for three years, his/her case is to be referred to the Director,Marketing. Based on the above criteria and the information given each of the questions 16 to18, you have to take the decision with regard to each case. You are not to assume anything. These cases are given to you as on October 10, 1997. Amit Khanna, born on June 5, 1973, has done his post-graduation in Marketing Management with first class. He has secured 50% marks in the written Test.He has been working in an organisation as a Marketing Officer for the last four years.

    A.If the candidate is not to be appointed
    B.If the candidate is to be referred to the Director, Marketing.
    C.If the data given are not sufficient to take the decision
    D.If the candidate is be referred to the General Manager, Marketing

    Answer: C

27. Rohit verma has been working in as organisation as Officer for the least ten years. His date of birth is February 17, 1964, He has secured 60% marks in the Degree Examination And 40% marks in the Written Test.

    A.If the candidate is not to be appointed
    B.If the candidate is to be referred to the Director, Marketing.
    C.If the data given are not sufficient to take the decision
    D.If the candidate is be referred to the General Manager, Marketing

    Answer: B

28. Manju Sharma is a first class graduate and has done a diploma in Marketing Management. She has secured 50% marks in the written Test. She was 23 years old as on September 5, 1996.

    A.If the candidate is not to be appointed
    B.If the candidate is to be referred to the Director, Marketing.
    C.If the data given are not sufficient to take the decision
    D.If the candidate is be referred to the General Manager, Marketing

    Answer: D

29. The five items: A, B, C, D and E are pushed in a stack,one after the other starting from A. The stack is popped four times and each element is inserted in a queue.
     Then two elements are deleted from the queue and pushed back on the stack. Now one item is popped from the stack. The popped item is.

    A.A        B.B        C.C        D.D

    Answer: D

30. If Sand is coded as Brick, Brick as House, House as Temple, Temple as Palace then where do you worship?

    A.Palace        B.Temple            C.Brick        D.House

    Answer: A

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